Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Fastest Way to Getting Fit After Fifty

getting fit after fifty photo
Getting fit after fifty years old is always a challenge but doing it quickly makes it harder still. But you can do it if you understand the basics of a sound fitness program. Focus on the right stuff and you will see results fast.

Your foundation for success will be formed by what you eat. There is no way around a bad diet. You cannot work extra hard to make up for consuming crappy food. Get this part right and you have a really good chance of getting fit fast.

The key is understanding that fat does not make you fat. Carbohydrates make you fat. Eating a high carbohydrate, especially grain-based, diet is the surest way to undermine your potential for fat loss. A drastic reduction is grain products like bread, pasta, cereal, baked goods, crackers, etc. is needed to ensure your foundation is strong. Replace these calories with good sources of natural fat like coconut oil, olive oil, eggs, fish, fowl, meat, nuts, seeds and avocado. These provide the fuel your body thrives on. Add in as much fresh fruits and vegetables as you like and you are on your way to getting fit after fifty.

The next step is to understand efficient exercise. Don’t believe your old program of running 3 to 4 times a week will cut it. Endurance running does not build muscle and will not provide fast weight loss results. You must implement a resistance training program for optimal results.

Weight lifting burns more calories per unit of time than other activities. And, since muscle repair occurs after the workout, your metabolism stays elevated for an even longer period of time. Over time you add muscle which is more metabolically active than fat, revving up your engine even further. Add this all together and you get an efficient workout creating a muscular, fat burning machine.

Don’t give up on running altogether. Sprinting is a very effective and efficient exercise for burning fat and building muscle. Sprinting is an explosive exercise that should be part of your training program. Just think of any high caliber sprinting champion you have seen in the past. They are muscular, powerful athletes. Sprinting builds muscle. And sprinting aves time as well. You can accomplish the same caloric burn with 15 to 20 minutes of sprinting as provided by a long, endurance run of 60 minutes or more. Run fast and get big.

Recovery is just as important as training if you want t see results fast. The last key to getting fit after fifty years old is to provide sufficient time for recovery. This is when your muscles are repaired and strength increases. Always get at least 24 hours rest before working the same muscle groups again. The legs and core are a bit of an exception. While you should not do back to back lifting days for the legs, it is ok to take a run or a hike after a day of squatting, for example. This works more like an active recovery for the legs rather than another day of breaking down tissue.

Your core, once in shape, can handle quite a beating as well. Again, don’t do the same exercises on subsequent days however core stabilization moves can be done daily. The core gets worked as a secondary effect in many exercises like squatting, pressing, planking and others. The core is typically able to handle these workouts day after day without any negative effects.

The fastest way to getting fit after fifty starts with providing the right nutrition for fuel. Limit simple carbohydrates and opt for high quality, natural fats instead. Exercise efficiently using resistance training and sprint running rather than burning long hours on the treadmill or sidewalk. Ensure you see the fast results you desire by allowing adequate time for your muscles to recuperate. Eat right, train hard and rest well. It works.

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